Friday, December 08, 2006

December 8, 2006

December 8, 2006
X-band walk - 6 L/R, 6 L/R
scap pushup - 20
dynamic warmup
lower body russian twists - 10, 10

Weighted Chinup - 3, 1, 1, 25 x 6, 85 x 1, 30 x 6, 90 x 1 (PR!), 0 x 12
(Superset with full rest - 180 seconds)
standing barbell overhead press - 45 x 5, 95 x 3, 135 x 1, 145 x 6, 170 x 1, 150 x 6, 175 x 1 (PR!), 95 x 12

DB bench press - 80 x 8, 90 x 8
(Superset with full rest - 120 seconds)
wide grip cable row - 150 x 8, 150 x 8

Allen's FGB
1 minute round of each followed by 1 minute of rest, repeat 3 total rounds, score is total reps.
50# kb swings - 30, 26, 25 = 81
ring dips - 17, 17, 15 = 49
45# OHS - 14, 12, 15 = 41
45# push jerk - 12, 12, 8 = 32
Total score = 203

-Workout is Strength I Workout D from The New Rules of Lifting book
-Chinup - PR!
-Shoulder press - PR! I've done more seated but this is a PR for standing!
-Allen's FGB - Having the ring dips, then OHS then push jerk started to hurt my wrists I think next time I should arrange the order differently along with adding another event perhaps burpees.

December 8, 2006 (cont.)
Self Myofascial Release - foam roller - 45 minutes

December 9, 2006

December 10, 2006
Self Myofascial Release - tennis ball - 30 minutes
Stretching - 10 minutes

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