Wednesday, May 23, 2007

May 22, 2007 - Broken into 2 sessions due to time constraints

May 22, 2007 - Broken into 2 sessions due to time constraints

Session 1:

Row@6 - 500m - 1:44.3
CPMP: 8 reps
Hip abduction quadruped
adduction lying
leg over

reach, roll and lift - 10L/R, 10L/R
quadruped oblique crunch - 6L/R
tick tocks - 6L/R
scap pushup - 10, 15

30# weighted vest
Ring Dips - 2, 2, 2, 2
(Superset with full rest - 60 sec)
Pullups - 2, 2, 2, 2

Ring support - 25 sec, 25 sec
Ring elbow lever work - 15 sec, 10 sec, 9 sec

Session 2:
Run 4 - Benchmark A - 2 miles
Time: ~15:30
Avg Speed - 7:45/mile

stick dislocates - 5, 5, 5, 5, 5,
Russian Pool mobility drill - 10L/R

-Dips - Not too hard but it wasn't easy with the vest either, next time I'll either up the reps or sets but stay with the 30# for now
-Pullups - Easy
-Run 4 - The first 1/2 mile I was flying at 7 min/mile but a couple of times I slowed down to 9/mile near the end. I think I did better than 15:30 but I didn't remember to hit my stopwatch when I first started. This is better than my previous 2 mile effort on 5/6 at 19:00 but I also didn't have an asthma attack either so it's not a great comparison.

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