Thursday, July 05, 2007

July 3, 2007

July 3, 2007

Movement Prep:
Calf Stretch - 6
Leg cradle (moving) - 6
lateral lunge (moving) -6
tick tocks - 6
scap pushup - 16
wall slide - 8
x band walk - 8
rotational fallout - 8
YTWL - 5 x 8 all

AC Complex B - 4 sets of 5 reps w/90 seconds rest
Romanian Deadlift - 135, 115, 95, 95
Hang clean + Front squat + Push press (combo lift, 1 rep of each before repeating) - 135/115, 115, 95, 95
Reverse Lunge - 115, 115, 95, 95

Chin-ups - 7, 7, 3, 3

1-arm DB Bench Press - 65 x 8, 65 x 8, 65 x 8
(superset with full rest - 60 seconds)
1-arm DB row (unsupported) - 65 x 8, 65 x 8, 65 x 8

DB curls - 30 x 10, 30 x 3/25 x 2/20 x 2/17.5 x 2/15 x 2/ 12.5 x 1

-Complex B - I felt this was a lot harder than Complex A but I did start off at higher weights than in A so that is most likely why. Doing the combo lift was a lot easier on my wrists than doing it the way in the Complex A format.
-Chins - kept the reps low, more the grease the groove than anything else
-1-arm DB bench press- A movement I've totally forgotten about, harder than I remembered.
-1-arm DB Row - Not as bad as the bench press.
-DB Curls - Did a drop set on the 2nd set, ouch.

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