October 3, 2007
foot mobility drills ~25m
inverted hamstring (backward) - 8L/R
lunge w/ lateral flexion - 8L/R
knee hug (moving) - 8L/R
hand walk - 8
snatch grip deadlift - 45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 165 x 1, 165 x 5, 165 x 5, 165 x 5, 165 x 5, 165 x 5
pull-ups -BW x 5, 4, 3, 3, 5, bw+10 x 5, +25 x 3, +10 x 5, +10 x 4 6, 6 (varied grips)
(superset with full rest - 60 seconds)
alternate incline DB press - 70 x 7L/R, 70 x 7L/R, 70 x 5L/R
DB bulgarian split squat - 20 x 14L/R, 20 x 14L/R, 20 x 12L/R
(34 seconds of work superset with no rest - 34 seconds)
inverted ring rows - 14, 11, 8, 8
planks - 34 sec, 34 sec, 34 sec, 38 sec
(34 seconds of work superset with no rest - 34 seconds)
Finisher - sprints
400m - 1:55
100m - 23.76, 20.56, 20.37, 20.78, 20.24
-Following Tony Gentilcore's latest program Day 1
-SGDL - Felt good will move up to 175 next week
-pullups - I'll stay at 10#'s
-Alt. incline and BSS - Heck of a circuit, this kicked my ass again! I got around the same number of reps but I upped the weight for both exercises this week.
-Planks and Ring rows - Ouch
-Finisher - Sprints - Was going to do some repeats but after the first 400m my calves were cramping a little so I tried a 100m and had no problem so I did 100m's and rest was ~ how long it took back to walk back to starting point so 1:00-1:30 per sprint. These felt good near the end.
September 27, 2007
foot mobility drills ~25m
inverted hamstring forward - 6L/R
400m Repeats w/1:45 rest - 1:42, 1:42, 1:48, 1:45, 1:46 - shooting for 1:45 pace
Dip - bw x 4, bw w/90 x 20 x 1-rep singles
Power Snatch - 45 x 5, 135 x 1-rep singles
(superset with full rest - 30 seconds)
pallof press- 90 x 12 L/R, 100 x 12 L/R
wrist extensions - 7.5 x 12, 8 x 12
-400m repeats - Not bad actually, I'll add more repeats as the weeks go on.
-I snagged this 20 1 rep singles from Chad waterbury's latest article jsut to try it out, it was actually a lot harder than I thought it'd be due to the 30 seconds of rest, that was barely enough time to get the dip belt on and tag my workout log.
-Dips - Could have gone up in weight
-Power Snatches - all from the floor, could have gone up a little bit
September 26, 2007
foot mobility drills
lunge w/lateral flexion -8L/R
knee hug - 8L/R
inverted hamstring backward - 8L/R
front squat - 1 PC +45 x 5, 1 PC + 95 x 4, 1 PC + 135 x 3, 1 PC + 185x 2, 1 PC + 190 x 6, 190 x 6, 190 x 6, 190 x 6
t-bar row (neutral grip) - NWx8, 25 x 4, 50 x 3, 75 x 2, 90 x 6, 90 x 6, 90 x 6, 90 x 6
(superset with full rest - 90 seconds)
walking lunges w/2 KB's - 50 x 7L/R, 50 x 8L/R, 50 x 7L/R
db push press - 40 x 11, 40 x 11, 40 x 11
(32 seconds of work superset with no rest - 32 seconds)
band resisted push-ups - 9, 12, 10, 7
reverse crunches - 15, 16, 15, 17
(32 seconds of work superset with no rest - 32 seconds)
Finisher - 400m's at goal pace = 0
-Following Tony Gentilcore's latest program Day 5
-Front squats - 190 was pretty rough on the last set, The rack wasn't availible at first so I had to power clean it up for the first few sets.
-T-bar row - 90 was hard not too bad, could go up to 95
-band resisted push-ups- I think trying to get the band to stay put was more challenging than the exercise itself, the band kept slipping onto my neck.
-DB Push press - PRessed for time so I changed it from 1-arm to both arms. A bit more of a metabolic hit than doing the 1-arm version.
-Finisher - Started my first 400m, calves cramped up badly after the first 100m's I knew it was time to call it a day.
September 21, 2007
foot mobility drills ~25m
hand walk - 8
inverted hamstring (backward) - 8L/R
leg cradle (moving) - 8L/R
snatch grip deadlift - 45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 155 x 1, 155 x 6, 155 x 6, 155 x 6, 155 x 6
pull-ups - 3, 3, 6, 6, 6, 6 (varied grips)
(superset with full rest - 90 seconds)
inverted ring rows - 13 feet in, 10, 10, 8
planks - 32 sec, 32 sec, 32 sec, 32 sec
(32 seconds of work superset with no rest - 32 seconds)
alternate incline DB press - 65 x 7L/R, 65 x 8L/R, 65 x 8L/R
DB bulgarian split squat - 15 x 14L/R, 15 x 14L/R, 15 x 9L/R
(32 seconds of work superset with no rest - 32 seconds)
Finisher #2 - Tabata's
Ring dips - 5, 6, 5, 5, 3, 2, 3, 3
-Following Tony Gentilcore's latest program Day 1
-SGDL - Felt good will move up to 165 if not 175 next week
-pullups - why the heck does it feel like such a struggle to get 4 sets of 6???
-Alt. incline and BSS - Heck of a circuit, this kicked my ass again! Stayed at the same weights as last week.
-Planks and Ring rows - Ouch
-Finisher #2- Tabata ring dips - now this was just a terrible idea, my stabilizers were FRIED after the first 4 go's the last 4 were a STRUGGLE to get 3 reps per 20 seconds. This one is a keeper.
September 20, 2007
1.5 mile run - 12:18
4 x 100m barefoot strides - 90 seconds rest - 23, 22, 20, 20
wall slides - 12
glute bridges - 12
hip corrections - 5L/R
hamstring stretch lateral - 10L/R
stick dislocates - 5, 5
ankle mobility - 10L/R
stretch - quads, rectus femoris, lats,
Foam rolling - ~30 minutes
-The run sucked, the first 1/2 mile I was doing good at a sub 7:30/mile then the 2nd 1/2 mile slowed me down to a total of a ~7:40 for the first mile, then the last 0.5 BAH!
-100m strides - These actually felt good after I walked over to the track, no foot pain, really concentrated on a good footstrike.
-Needed the foam rolling a lot, hurts so good.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
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