Tuesday, May 15, 2007

May 11, 2007

May 11, 2007
Core Performance pre-training:
Glute bridge marching - 6 L/R
Hip external rotation sidelying - 12 L/R
Leg over - 6 L/R
knee hug - 6 L/R
forward lunge + twist - 3 L/R
knee hug lunge elbow to instep - 3 L/R
drop lunge - 6 L/R
lateral squat - 6 L/R
inverted hamstring forward - 6 L/R

Power snatch + OHS - 45 x 5, 45 x 5, 95 x 4, 130 x 3, 130 x 3, 130 x 3

Metcon EDT style - 5 rounds - 45 seconds rest after each round
snatch grip deadlift - 95 x 6
chin up - 6
single leg squat to bench - L/R - 6
1-arm standing db overhead press - 40 x 6
Total time: 14:26

external db rotation - 15 x 12, 15 x 12, 15 x 12
Half Kneeling Chops - 30 x 12, 30 x 12, 30 x 12

-PS+OHS - 130 felt a bit wobbly on power snatching it up but once I stabilized the overhead squat portion felt good.
-EDT circuit- This felt pretty good, was aiming for a total of 30 reps, and increased the reps/round by one.
-Half Kneeling Chops - Still not done correctly upon reviewing the video online, need to really get these down better.

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