Tuesday, May 29, 2007

May 25, 2007

May 25, 2007
Foot mobility drills ~25m's

CPMP - 8 reps in 4:35
Backward lunge w/ lateral flexion
leg cradle (in place)
inverted hamstring (in place)
foward lunge elbow to instep (crawling)
knee hug (in place)
pillar march (moving)

hand walk x 4

PS+OHS - 45 x 5, 45 x 5, 95 x 4, 145 x 3 (Another PR!! in PS!!), 145 x 3, 145 x 3

SGDL on box - 135 x 3

DL on box - 135 x 2, 185 x 6, 185 x 6, 185 x 6, 185 x 3
(Superset with full rest - 60 seconds)
Ring Dips - BW x 5, 6, 6, 3
(Superset with full rest - 60 seconds)
pullups - BW x 6, 6, 6, 3

Sumo DL - 135 x 6

2 Rounds of the following:
1-Arm overhead DB Press - 40 x 12. 45 x 10
1 leg squat - 10 x 8, 10 x 8
DB Curl - 35 x 10, 35 x 8
Close Grip Bench - 95 x 12, 95 x 10

Standing Cable chop - 30 x 8L/R, 30 x 8L/R
Muscle Snatch - 45 x 8
Sotts Press - 45 x 2

-Power Snatch - Anoter PR!!! 2 in the same week!
-OHS - 145 felt great!
-DL on a box - This felt really weird, focused on hip extension at the top rather than leaning back as I realized I often did
-Sumo DL - Haven't done these in a year? Felt good, scraped the heck out of my shins though.

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