Monday, March 26, 2007

March 20, 2007

March 20, 2007
Core Performance Movement Prep
Burgener WU - 45 x 1

Phase I
Superset 1 (10 seconds of rest between, 90 after):
Reach, Roll and Lift - 10 L/R, 10 L/R
DB External Rotation - 10 x 10, 10 x 11
L-Lateral Raise - 15 x 12, 15 x 12

Superset 2 (no rest between, 90 after):
YTWL - 2 x 12, 2 x 12
Face Pull - neutral grip - 80 x 15, 80 x 15

Push up plus on stability ball - 15, 15
wrist extension - 10 x 6, 10 x 6, 10 x 6, 10 x 6
Lat/chest stretching - 30 seconds each x 2

Snatch Grip Deadlift - 45 x, 95 x 4, 95 x 12, 95 x 12, 95 x 12
(Superset with full rest - 60 seconds)
Cable Pull Throughs - 30 x 5, 60 x 12, 60 x 12, 60 x 12

Dynamic Lunge w/ step up - 20 x 12L/R, 25 x 12L/R, 25 x 12L/R
(Superset with full rest - 60 seconds)
V-Ups - 12, 12, 8

-Shoulder pain has all but gone away! But I'm going to stick with this plan for the next few weeks
-SGDL - Did these with smaller diameter plates to simulate being on a box. These suck hardcore.
-Cable Pullthroughs - not sure if I'm doing these right, I need to review some stuff before the next time I do these again.

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