Thursday, April 05, 2007

April 5, 2007

April 5, 2007
Core Performance Movement Prep
Core Performance Prehab:
Swiss ball crunches - 15#x20
pillar bridge front - narrow stance - 10L/R
Pillar Bridge side - jumping jack - 10L/R
glute bridge - knee bent - 10 L/R
mini band walk - 10L/R

scap pushup - 15, 15
Burgener WU - 45 x 1
OHS - 45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 155 x 2, 175 x 1
Push Jerk +press outs- 135 x 1+5, 135 x 1+5

Barbell complex #1 - 95#- 90 seconds rest between sets, 6,5,4,3,2,1
Romanian DL
Barbell Row
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Good Morning

Total rounds in 16:41- 2:37 for 6, 2:11 for 5, 1:54 for 4, 1:21 for 3, 48s for 2, and 29 s for 1

hip mobility - 4, 4, 4, 4
quadruped - 4, 4
muscle snatch - 45 x 5, 45 x 5
band dislocates - 5, 3, 3, 3

Stretch Lower body - 10 minutes

OHS- 175 was heavy and hard to hold at the top, left wrist felt ok but still not 100% but better with the stretches.
Barbell Complex #1 - a la Alwyn Cosgrove, this was an ass kicker!!!! My forearms were crazy pumped by the 3rd round and it was hard to even squeeze my hands shut. There are 2 ways I've seen him recommend doing this complex, with ascending ladder style or 4-5 sets of 6 reps. I'm so glad I choose the ladder style! I'm going to stay with this rep scheme until I can get my time down. AC wrote that 1 round of 6 reps should only take about 96 my time is only a minute MORE!!

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