Tuesday, April 10, 2007

April 9, 2007

April 9, 2007 - Test Week - BW = 186
Core Performance Movement prep
scap pushup - 15
pushup - 10
static hang - 32 seconds
kb swing - 50# x 25
pullup (deadhang) - 3, 13, 65 x 0, 65 x 1, 90 x 0
dip - 3, 33, 65 x 1, 90 x 1, 135 x 0
L-sit - 10 seconds
squat - 50 in 1:06
MB cleans - 14# x 10

Deadlift - 155 x 4, 155 x 4, 225 x 3, 285 x 2, 300 x 1, 320 x 1, 340 x 1, 380 x 0

Row @5- 2000m - 7:48.7 - 1:57/Avg 500m, 217 Avg Watt
split times: 1:54.6, 1:56.9, 1:57.6, 1:59.7

-My shoulders feel better and I'm getting pretty bored of doing a complete shoulder rehab routine every other time I go to the gym. Not to say I won't be doing exercises but I'm going to start doing things I've been staying away from for the last month or so like pullups, dips...etc
-Dead hang pullups - it's about where I'd think it would be after not doing a pullup for a month+, I want to test my kipping number to see where that is later this week. I would like to get to 20 dead hangs as a goal for the next few months.
-Dips - Better than I thought, I was around 30 last summer and haven't really done any dip specific stuff for at least 6+ months. the 90 pound dip wasn't that bad but the 135 as soon as I bent my arms it was all downhill from there.
-Deadlift - I used Charles Poliquin's warmup to max method for this attempt to try it out, my recent PR for this lift is 385 at 192#'s, I didn't make the 380, I just couldn't squeeze it off the floor. The 360 did feel easy however and I wonder if 370 would have been possible. The day after however my back is pissed off at me! Ugh, it's days like this that really make me question whether or not I really should be doing the heavy conventional deadlift when it makes my back feel this way.
Row - I was really concentrating on a powerful pull and keeping my stroke rate down, but near the end my strokes/min jumped up like 5 strokes but my pace was slowing.

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