Monday, February 05, 2007

February 5, 2007

February 5. 2007

Row @ 5 - 500m - 1:48
Core Performance Movement Prep
scap pushup - 15
X-band walk - 4 L/R

hanging leg raises - 6, 6

deadlift - 45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3, 185 x 2, 225 x 1, 275 x 1, 290 x 4, 295 x 4, 300 x 4
snatch grip deadlift - 135 x 12
rack DL - 365 x 3, 365 x 3, 365 x 1

bulgarian split squat -20 x 10, 25 x 10
(superset full rest - 90 seconds)
back extensions - 10, 10

face pull - 40 x 15, 40 x 15

Row @ 5 - 2000m - 7:44 a 4 second improvement over 1/22/2007
224 Avg Watt
1st 500m - 1:50.2
2nd 500m - 1:56.6
3rd 500m - 2:00.9
4th 500m - 1:56.2

-New Rules of Lifting Strenght II workout C
-Deadlifts - Complete reset method like the last time I did workout C, meaning I'd completely put the bar down and re-position myself for each heavy rep. I'll try to go up to 305 or 310 next time
-Rack Deadlifts - 1st set was kind of shaky, the 2nd set was great the 3rd set I felt weak so I stopped rather than try to deadlift with poor form.
-Bulgarian Split squat - 25 was a good weight, perhaps start with 25 next time and go up to 30?
-Face pull - done with pronated grip it was supposed to be done with a nuetral grip though...oops
-2K Row - I need to row more the correct rowing form is still not intuitive, I'm still struggling to make sure I drive more with my legs before pulling with my arms. I'm also rushing the recovery too much. I do like my 4 second improvement though, I'd say that the raching start helped with that a little

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