Monday, March 26, 2007

March 26, 2007

March 26, 2007
Core Performance Movement Prep
Burgener warmup - 45 x 1

Phase I
Superset 1 (10 seconds of rest between, 90 after):
Reach, Roll and Lift - 10 L/R, 10 L/R
DB External Rotation - 10 x 10, 12.5 x 10
L-Lateral Raise - 15 x 12, 15 x 12

Superset 2 (no rest between, 90 after):
YTWL - 3 x 12, 3 x 12
Face Pull - neutral grip - 90 x 15, 90 x 15

Push up plus on stability ball - 15, 15
wrist extension - 10 x 9, 10 x 9, 12.5 x 9
Lat/chest stretching - 30 seconds each

Front squat - 45 x, 95 x 4, 135 x 10, 135 x 10, 135 x 10
(Superset with full rest - 45 seconds)
Alternating DB Curl - 35 x 10, 35 x 10, 35 x 10
(Superset with full rest - 45 seconds)
Supine hip extension w/ leg curl - 10, 10, 10

Hammer Lunge - Front - 10/L x 20 steps, 10/R x 20, 10 x 20
(Superset with full rest - 45 seconds)
Knees to Elbows - 10, 10, 10

Sprints at the track - 8 x ~50m
8.68, 8.45, 8.56, 8.18, 8.00, 8.25, 8.43, 7.96

-Reach, Rock and Lift - ROM is getting a better.
-YTWL- Upped the weight and it was a struggle to finish the last few reps on W and L, shoulders were burning hard at this point.
-push-up plus - wrist pain is decreasing from the various stretches I got from Greg.
-Front squat - So glad I didn't up the weight like I originally intended, that 15 seconds less of rest catches up with you quickly!
-DB Curl - Decent weight, threw these here rather than at the end.
-Supine Hip extensions w/ leg curl- 1st set easy, last 2 sets after front squats not so easy
-Hammer lunge - Front - OH out of all 3 variations seems to be the hardest.
-Knees to Elbows - I was spent but I did better this time than last time.
-Sprints - 8 of ~50m - I say ~50m because apparently the new track they built at the AFB has not distance marks on the lanes. I did a pace count to get 50m since on a flat surface 100m ~= 66 paces. This wasn't too bad exertion wise but I am so SLOW!!!! I wanted to scream whenever I would finish. UGHHH!! My best time for 50m's is 7.96????

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