Tuesday, March 06, 2007

March 5, 2007

March 5, 2007
Core Performance Movement Prep

Clean grip snatch - 45 x 5, 45 x 6, 65 x 4, 95 x 3
Burgener WU - 45 x 1

Intervals on Treadmill @ 1%
1 minute - 0.5 mph (setting different speeds)
1 minute - 9.3 mph
2 minute - 7.5 mph
1 minute - 9.3 mph
2 minute - 7.5 mph
1 minute - 9.3 mph
2 minute - 7.5 mph
0.5 minute - 9.3 mph
5.5 minute - 4.0 mph

Total distance run - 1.31 miles in (10 minutes)
Total Distance overall - 1.67 miles


falconfive said...

Looks like your running is picking up a bit. Running, whether long or short distance, is really something you have to do a lot of, or have done a lot of, in order to be good at it. The people who come into crossfit, never run, and still run fast, usually came into it with a running background, such as myself. Others, like Kelly Moore, are amazing at every other aspect of crossfit, but due to not having that running background, can't transfer their conditioning and power to running fast. In other words, I recommend doing more 100 to 800m work, and timing it. Intervals are good, but they won't have as much of an effect on your speed since you're never really sprinting. Get your 100,400, and 800m sprint times down and your overall running ability, from 50m to 10k, will greatly improve. Of course, if you're busy with all that other stuff and enjoying it, and running's not a priority, take this advice with a large grain of salt.

Allen Y. said...

I've realized basically what you said, about the running and I can't keep slacking on it like I have been and magically hope that doing Crossfit by itself will make my run times better. It just seems that way but like you said those people already run or used to run.

Thanks for the suggestions, in regards to the interval work compared to 100 to 800m work. The one minute at 9.3 mph was pretty rough the treadmill said it was 6:27/mile pace. Not good enough?

I'd like to get back on the track more and hopefully it'll warm up more in the coming weeks. I try not to run outside when it's too cold since that is one of my asthma triggers.

What would you suggest as a good 2-3 times a week running plan? What I originally had in mind was this:

My PT Test is on April 14th.
Intervals - treadmill
Intervals - rower
X mile test - treadmill or track (X starts at 1 and increments by 1/4 each week)

Post PT Test and since the weather would be warm by then I'd limit my running to 2 times a week running different sprints 100-800m. Perhaps throw in another day on the rower