Monday, February 12, 2007

February 12, 2007

February 12, 2007

Core Performance Movement Prep
neutral grip face pull - 30 x15, 40 x 15, 40 x 15
band pushup - 10, 10, 10

ball crunch - 25 x 6, 35 x 6

OHS - 45 x 5, 95 x 4, 135 x 3
Squat - (201 tempo) - 185 x 2, 225 x 1, 275 x 1, 290 x 4, 290 x 4, 290 x 2/2, 195 x 16

1/4 squat - (201 tempo) - 375 x 3, 385 x 3, 405 x 3

good morning - (201 tempo) - 105 x 10, 115 x 10,
(superset with full rest - 90 seconds)
hammer lunge - overhead - 10 x L/20, 10 x R/20

Row @ 5 - 2K - 7:29.5!!!!! PR by 15 seconds!!!@#!@#!@!!! My first 2K was 7:48 and my best 2K is 7:44

Rest 3:00

5 minutes of burpees
40 reps total - I was still gasping for breath from the row when I started these.

-New Rules of Lifting Strength II workout A
-Squats - low bar squats - I can definitely go up to at least 3001
-1/4 squats - 405 wasn't even that bad I could have probably made 405+ easily
-Good mornings - 115 was heavy for 10 but doable
-Hammer lunge - 10#'s was good, need to work on lunging backwards
-2K Row -I CRUSHED my old 2K time today, I was iffy on even doing this today after my heavy leg day and decided I needed to stop being such a baby and just do it. I was wasted after this effort though.
-Burpees- I was supposed to only rest 2 minutes after the row and then do the burpees but I took an extra minute and the burpees still wrecked me. Originally I was shooting for 10/minute but after the first minute I had to pull the pace back a little bit and managed to pull out another 30 in the remaining 4 minutes.

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